Veilig Thuis Midden-Brabant information leaflet
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Domestic violence, child abuse and elder abuse are common. Safety is paramount at Veilig Thuis. After all, everyone has the right to a safe home environment. It is our responsibility to stop acute or structural insecurity in dependent relationships.
A safe home, we do this together!
Veilig Thuis Midden-Brabant is there for everyone. For children, adolescents, adults and the elderly. So if you are a victim, if someone else is (perhaps) a victim or if you yourself are using violence. Veilig Thuis is there to provide advice, help or support in cases of domestic violence and child abuse. You can come to us if you seek help or are concerned about others. Perhaps the problems have existed for some time or you merely have suspicions. You think adults or children are not safe, but you are not sure. We believe that everyone wants to take good care of their children and loved ones, but sometimes that does not work out. We want to work together to make things better.
What does Veilig Thuis do?
The first step to a solution is to talk about it. When you call, a Veilig Thuis employee will take the time to listen to your story and work with you to find a solution. Often advice is enough, but sometimes it is wise to seek help. Sometimes an investigation by Veilig Thuis is needed to get more information. Even in an investigation, Veilig Thuis works with the people involved as much as possible. If that does not work and it is necessary for safety, then we can investigate without the agreement of those involved. We go to the people, listen and hear all the family members. Together with those involved, we review what is needed to stop the abuse. It is always good to call. Even if you wonder if what you see is normal. If in doubt, call (anonymously) for advice.
What is domestic violence?
Domestic violence is violence, between (ex) partners, parents/caregivers and children, siblings, grandparents and grandchildren. There are arguments in every relationship. But what if things get out of control? When things come to blow, there are days of silence or constant shouting? When your partner forces you to have sex or hand over your money? Or controls where you go and who you talk to? People do not find it easy to talk about domestic violence, but nearly half of all Dutch people experience it at some point. Domestic violence cannot and should not exist. It is punishable and you have the right and duty to stand up for yourself, your family or those around you.
What is child abuse?
Child abuse is any form of mistreatment that is threatening or violent to a child. Child abuse often occurs in the home. Sometimes also in other places where the child is dependent on care, such as at daycare or a sports club. Often it stems from helplessness. When parents or caregivers can no longer cope with care, their behaviour can derail resulting in abuse. For example, there may be beatings, children not being fed or being yelled at. People do not find it easy to talk about child abuse, but every year children die from abuse or violence. Child abuse cannot and should not exist. It is punishable and you have the right and duty to stand up for children.
Examples of domestic violence and child abuse:
• Physical and psychological abuse.
• (Violence between (ex-)partners.
• Children who witness domestic violence.
• Sexual abuse.
• Neglect.
• Financial exploitation and derailed informal care.
• Child to parent violence.
Visit for more information
What to do in case of (suspected) domestic violence or child abuse
• Be open to signs of domestic violence or child abuse. If you feel something is going on, it is often true. You are probably not the only one to see something, but you may be the first to do something about it.
• Talk to those involved. Recognise that domestic violence or child abuse is often the result of powerlessness. You can already help by being there for those affected. Or by offering a listening ear.
• Call Veilig Thuis (anonymously) for advice. A Veilig Thuis employee will discuss the situation with you and consult with you about what the next steps are. If necessary, you can file a report. Information about accessing records and filing complaints can be found on our website at
Viewing data For more information, check our website or ask your contact at Veilig Thuis about this.
Complaint? For more information, check our website or ask your contact at Veilig Thuis about this.
You may call us anytime; Our phone number is: 0800 2000 (free of charge).
You can also chat with us via the website.
You can email us at:
Our address is: Paleisring 144 PO Box 16 | 5000 AA Tilburg
Also check out the website:
a safe home, we do this together!